GHOST CRIES Streaming Video “Elegy For The Abnegators”

Ghost Cries, Japan’s female-fronted extreme metallers from Tokyo, who refers to their music as “dramatic death metal”, has just released a music video for “Elegy For The Abnegators” from their debut full-length album entitled Melum Primus. The album will be released on February 11th on Spiritual Beast in Japan

The album showcases singer Coco’s wide range of vocals from growl to clean tone, on sometimes complex song arrangements backed by two 7-string guitars, versatile rhythm section and symphonic keyboards. An audio teaser can be found below.


“Ruthless Triumphal Parade”
“Into The Dark Eternity”
“Elegy For The Abnegators”
“The Ugliest Meteor Shower”
“Lunatic Chaos”
“A Cape Of The Prologue”
“The World Is Over”



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