GUNS N’ ROSES and SIXX: A.M. guitarist D.J. Ashba, who is the owner of a successful media company and clothing line, Ashba Clothing, was asked in a new interview with what he has been able to translate from his music business to your other businesses.

“One thing I’ve been able to transfer is knowledge, making a lot of mistakes but learning from them and apply that knowledge to new business ventures,” he said. “At a young age, I was taught that learning how the music business works is every bit as important as learning your instrument. After all, they call a business for a reason. Always have a back-up plan, that’s the smartest advice I can give you. Unfortunately, the reality is that very few bands will ever achieve success in this industry; even fewer will establish longevity. Knowing this is why it is very important to understand the business. Save your money and invest wisely.”

Ashba spoke in more detail about some of his current projects during a January 2015 interview with Origin magazine. He said: “I have a very successful media company here in Vegas. We do all eight Cirque du Soleil accounts in town and put all these massive one-of-a-kind displays in all the major casinos. We just finished the Jeff Dunham [show] over at Planet Hollywood. I go in and design all these, and then I have a company build out my designs. I’ve been doing that and Ashba Clothing. The clothing line is doing really well, and we’re about ready to put that into stores worldwide, which I’m really happy about. My main goal right now, honestly, is to head towards film and TV.”

As for what other opportunities he is hoping to get involved in, Ashba told “I am looking to step into the film/production industry next. My passions lies in scoring movies, script writing, directing, acting and producing. I also foresee opening an additional division of Ashba Media in Los Angeles where we focus strictly on special FX for film and television.”

Ashba joined GUNS N’ ROSES in March 2009 following the departure of Robin Finck.


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