December 23, 2015, 9 minutes ago
news hard rock dee snider twisted sister taylor dayne
Twisted Sister frontman Dee Snider and pop star Taylor Dayne recently performed “Silent Night” on CityTV’s Breakfast Television. The pair have been in Toronto performing in Dee Snider’s Rock & Roll Christmas Tale, which recently concluded it’s run. Watch their performance of “Silent Night” below:
In a recent interview with The Globe And Mail, Dee Snider shares some of the secrets to his success, including why friendship isn’t always about seeing eye to eye.
Says Dee: “One of my flaws is that I’m not the sort of person who works well in a group. I think it’s because when I first joined Twisted Sister, the guys weren’t all that welcoming. They were these cool guys from New York and I was this kid from the suburbs. A rube. I went off and wrote my own songs. Those songs ended up being really successful, so a pattern was established. That was my flaw on The Celebrity Apprentice. We were supposed to work as a team and I always wanted to go off and figure it out on my own and then come back. It’s just how my brain works, I guess.”
Read more at The Globe And Mail.