GUNS N’ ROSES and SIXX: A.M. guitarist DJ Ashba was interviewed by Sweetwater editorial director Mitch Gallagher during this year’s GearFest, which was held June 12-13 at Sweetwater‘s campus in Fort Wayne, Indiana. You can now watch the chat below.
Ashba, who owns a company centered around media and advertising that runs various other companies, was asked what takes him in those directions. He responded: “You know, I don’t know. I’ve always had that creative bone. My aunt and uncle invented the technology for aerosol cans, so ever since I was young… They came out with a product, when I was really young, called Pam that’s like a butter spray. And I’ve always kind of grew up in that environment; I thought outside the box and I was really taught that it’s better to create your own job than to work nine to five. So that’s always been my mindset, and I just love creating.”
Ashba also talked about his belief that musicians should “diversify” and have a “backup plan.” He said: “I absolutely will always stand by that. If you put all your eggs in one basket, all you’ve gotta do is drop ’em, and they’re gonna break; and every one of ’em will break. But the whole thing… and I’ve learned this from [SIXX: A.M. bandmate] Nikki Sixx… It’s, like, you set up buckets… You set up buckets… little incomes coming in there, there, there, there, there… and, as a whole, that’s how you… And if this one… these three buckets aren’t doing so good this month, well, these are. So it’s diversifying. But if you put all your eggs in that one bucket, and you have five months of, you know, ‘God, things aren’t going well,’ that could really spill your eggs.”
Ashba joined GUNS N’ ROSES in March 2009 following the departure of Robin Finck.