An animated documentary about the making of FOO FIGHTERS‘ ninth studio album, “Concrete And Gold”, can be seen below. Released today (Friday, September 15), the follow-up to 2014’s “Sonic Highways” was a direct response to the way that record was made — instead of traveling the country and recording in different studios, documenting the whole thing along the way, the FOO FIGHTERS hunkered down quietly in one place and made the new LP close to home.

FOO FIGHTERS bassist Nate Mendel told The Pulse Of Radio a while back how the band’s songwriting process works. “It’s really been pretty consistent over the years,” he said. “Dave [Grohl] writes the songs, and about half the time he’ll do a demo on his own, and the other half of the time he’ll come in and just play it on guitar. Then [he] shows it to the band and then we sit around and play it and figure out, you know, what kind of song is it gonna be. Is it a country song? Metal song? You know, what the dynamic is, arrangement, tempo, that kind of stuff. We help him finish it out.”

“Concrete And Gold” was produced by the band and Greg Kurstin, who has worked in the past with pop artists like Adele and Pink.

The disc features guest appearances from Justin Timberlake, Paul McCartney, THE BIRD AND THE BEE‘s Inara George, THE KILLSAlison Mosshart and BOYZ II MEN singer Shawn Stockman.

FOO FIGHTERS have lined up a fall North American tour that kicks off on October 7 in San Bernardino, California with Cal Jam 17, also featuring QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE, CAGE THE ELEPHANT, Liam Gallagher, ROYAL BLOOD, THE STRUTS and more. The rest of the tour begins on October 12 in Washington D.C.


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